Non-Surgical Fat Dissolving Injection Treatment

Aqualyx® Fat Dissolving Injections

  • Aqualyx® was developed to treat localised pockets of fat underneath the surface of the skin.

    It can be used to treat fat pockets on the back, chin, stomach, underneath the buttocks, hips, thighs and knees. It can also be used to treat pseudo-gynaecomastia, the development of fatty tissue around the nipple, resulting in a “breast”-like appearance in men, (due to weight gain rather than the growth of actual breast tissue as seen in genuine male gynecomastia).

    Clinical data shows that the application of AQUALYX is effective and safe, leading to an increasingly contoured appearance.

  • #Stomach (inc. six-pack definition)

    #Love handles



    #Flanks and waist

    #Inner and outer thighs

    #Underarms and armpits

  • A reduction in fat deposits can be seen after just one treatment, however, between three and eight sessions are required to see the optimal effect. The speed at which results are seen will vary depending on the stability of the cell membranes; younger patients are more likely to see results after a longer period.

    Patients report good tolerance of the treatment and an anaesthetic is normally mixed into the solution prior to the injection for greater comfort. As this is a non-surgical treatment there is minimal downtime and no general anaesthetic risks.

    The specialised elastic needles allow small areas to be tackled effectively such as double chin and jowls. As there are no incisions, stitches are not required and scarring is unlikely. After each treatment patients can expect some swelling, redness and skin irritation and tenderness in the area treated, which will reside after 1-3 days.

  • The treatment should be repeated between every three to four weeks for two to eight times depending on the number and volume of pockets of fat tissue to be eliminated. Destroying the fat cells leads to a long-lasting solution provided patients to retain a stable weight and continue exercise as usual.


  • It used for Aqualysis or Aquaplasty treatment to reduce localised, stubborn fat deposits in areas such as the chin, stomach, outer and inner thighs, hips, knees etc.

  • A reduction in fat deposits can usually be seen after just one treatment, however between three and eight sessions are required to see the optimal effect. The speed at which results are seen will vary depending on the stability of the cell membranes; younger patients are more likely to results after a longer period. Results may vary from physician to physician and case by age.

  • It is suitable for patients who do not want the more invasive liposuction or laser lipo treatments, who do not have large amounts of fat to remove and who are over 18 years and under 60 years of age. The treatment is not suitable for pregnant or lactating women or those with a pathological condition.

  • No, Aqualyx® and Aqualysis are aimed at reducing stubborn pockets of fat.

  • Minimal side effects have been reported globally since its introduction, but patients can expect a little skin irritation, bruising and oedema, which will ease after a few days.

  • Treatments start from between £395 – £495 per treatment area

  • Three articles have been published about Aqualyx ®:

    1. Rauso R. Non surgical reduction of buffalo hump deformity. Case report and literature review.Eur J Aesth Med Dermatol 2011;1(1):29-34

    2. Salti G, Motolese P. Cavitational adipocytolysis with a new micro-gelatinous injectable for subcutaneous adipose tissue volume reduction: ex-vivo histological findings. Eur J Aesth Med Dermatol 2012;2(2):94-97

    3. Pinto H, Melamed G, Fioravanti L. Intralipotherapy Patient Satisfaction Evaluation Study (IPSES). Eur J Aesth Med Dermatol 2012;2(1):29-34

*Results may vary and are different for each individual. As such, Skin Life Aesthetic Clinic cannot guarantee specific results.